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Хабарҳо - Тарбия

«Талибан» * должен выстраивать взаимоотношения со всеми этническими и религиозными группами, со всеми политическими и общественными организациями. Об этом 21 октября завил президент России Владимир Путин во время выступления на XVIII Ежегодном заседании Международного дискуссионного клуба «Валдай».

Хабарҳо - Тарбия

Дар Афғонистон «Толибон»* (ин ҳаракат дар Тоҷикистон мамнӯъ аст) бояд бо ҳама гурӯҳҳои қавмию мазҳабӣ  ва ва созмонҳои сиёсию ҷамъиятӣ робита барқарор кунанд. Дар ин бора 21 октябр Президенти Русия Владимир Путин зимни суханронӣ дар Ҷаласаи солонаи XVIII Клуби мубоҳисавии байналмилалии «Валдай» изҳори назар намуд.

Хабарҳо - Тарбия

20 октября в городе Душанбе состоялось Совещание  спецслужб Ирана, Казахстана, Китая, Пакистана, России, Таджикистана и Узбекистана.

Хабарҳо - Тарбия

On October 20, Dushanbe hosted a Meeting of the special services of Iran, Kazakhstan, China, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

The parties noted the complexity of the situation in Afghanistan, where terrorist acts and other violent actions continue, entailing numerous human casualties.

There is tendency to involve young people of various nationalities in international terrorist organizations, due to the complexities of the processes taking place in the country.

There is threat that international terrorist organizations might use the breakdown of law and order in Afghanistan.

The Meeting participants note the importance and necessity of forming an inclusive government, taking into account the interests of all ethnic, social and confessional groups.

In order to settle the situation in Afghanistan, to use the platforms of international organizations, whose members are the meeting participants.

The Meeting participants call on international organizations and interested states to develop a unified approach to solving the problem of Afghanistan, to support efforts aimed at establishing law and order in this country, creating an inclusive government, preventing further escalation of tension and violence, and jointly combating international terrorism.

Хабарҳо - Тарбия

20 октябри соли равон дар шаҳри Душанбе Ҷаласаи хадамоти махсуси Эрон, Қазоқистон, Чин, Покистон, Русия, Тоҷикистон ва Узбекистон баргузор шуд.


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