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DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION The Department of Education in the structure of the university was established in order to regulate the educational process and operates in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Education", the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Higher Professional Education and Professional Education after Higher Educational Institution", the Charter and Regulations of the University.
The main goals and tasks of the Education Department - plans the educational process at the university, organizes and ensures its implementation; - participates in meeting the needs of the personality in intellectual, cultural and moral development by providing higher professional education on the basis of the continuous unity of the educational process and research and scientific works; - supervises the development of textbooks and educational and methodological theses and evaluates their supply and submits a report on this issue to the Academic Council; - submits proposals to the University Board regarding the solution to the problems of training highly qualified specialists in the field of teaching; - develops educational plans and submits them to the Academic Council for approval; - takes measures to improve students' theoretical and practical knowledge; - takes measures in the direction of introducing modern education technology, effective and active methods and methods; - the supervisor of the level of qualifications, skills and professional skills of teachers takes measures and monitors the implementation of the plan for professional development and retraining of specialists; - supervises the activity of structures and sub-structures related to the educational part; - controls the educational process, the purpose of which is to provide students with a certain level of education and qualification in accordance with the state education standards, and to apply the content and content of education; - determines additional hours in the course of education and takes steps to regulate them together with the heads of the departments; - monitors the work of teachers and its compliance with educational plans; - supervises the activities of fellow teachers and organizes tests on the correctness of their individual plans; - determines the vacant hours of the departments and submits the project of the competition to the Rector of the university for the admission of teachers; - organizes the audit fund of the university and makes a proposal to the Rector of the university for effective use of classrooms, offices and laboratories; - monitors the workload of teachers and takes measures against teachers who create obstacles in carrying out the workload; - supervises the implementation of individual educational plans of teachers and submits conclusions on this matter to the Board; - monitors the activity of computers during classes, makes conclusions and suggestions regarding the use of modern technology in the educational process; - supervises the implementation of the transition to the credit system of education in faculties and departments and participates in the development of educational plans and programs by specialization; - reports on the summary of the current exam and graduation before the Board and the Academic Council, and sends a complete report on their results to the Rector of the university; - prepares and approves the university-wide schedule of current and state exams, together with the vice-rector for educational affairs, approves the course of current and graduation exams for faculties and monitors their course; - makes a proposal to the University Board for the stability and strengthening of the material and technical base of offices and laboratories and supervises their activities; - revises and approves the schedule of tests (staged tests, intermediate tests), exams and the schedule of classes of all university departments, supervises their implementation together with the staff of the Board; - develops the audit fund of the university, distributes it among faculties and departments, supervises their supply with educational and technical materials; - supervises the development of educational programs, standards, state requirements, syllabi, lecture courses in faculties and departments and keeps their copies; - examines the compatibility of educational plans and programs at the university; - on the basis of principles of science, humanism, democracy, controls the continuous flow of the educational process; - taking into account the coverage of modern possibilities of information technology, checks the flow of education in faculties and departments and submits a report to the Rector of the university; - supervises the preparation of studies and implementation of plans and programs of higher professional education at the university for bachelor's degrees (4 years), integrated specialties (5 years), master's degree (2 years). The structure of the Department of Education
Board of education and its departments The education department is headed by the head of the education department. The board of education is as follows: - deputy head of the education department; - chief specialist for control over educational plans and teachers' workload; - chief specialist in monitoring the workload of fellow teachers; - chief specialist on statistical issues; - chief specialist for development of standards and innovative project; - chief specialist of the education department; - a leading expert on employment issues in the education department. - Department of quality management of education and electronic control: head of the department, chief specialist and leading specialist; - Unified testing, registration and counseling center: director, deputy director, chief specialists, leading specialist and specialist; - Department of training and tutoring services: head of the department, specialist; - Training and professional development center: head of the center, chief specialist and leading specialist; - Center for technical and communication services: head of the center, deputy head, chief specialist, leading specialist and specialist; |